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Innovative Decision Making
What is Innovative Decision Making?
Innovative Decision Making (IDM) is an individualized, self-assessment, and workshop-based methodology, which addresses the universal need of business people: how to arrive at the best decisions. IDM examines how the creative process can be applied to optimize decision making and problem solving. It provides an easy-to-understand, overall framework for the decision making process. In a non-judgmental fashion, the methodology offers individuals insights into their decision-making styles, and provides a practical set of tools for improving overall creativity in decision-making. IDM’s ultimate goal is to empower each individual with a greater creative capacity, at each step of the decision-making process. Most creativity-based programs apply a “one-size-fits-all” boilerplate approach. Persona GLOBAL®’s IDM is the only major program that first analyzes the individual’s tendencies in four creative capacities: Information Openness, Brain Holism, Uncertainty Coping, and Risk Acceptance. While focusing on each participant’s personal decision-making skills development, IDM provides an action plan by which participants can learn how to unleash the under-utilized aspects of their creative intellect. The result is a far more powerful approach to decision making optimization.
IDM Benefits for the Participant • ACTIONABLE. Tools and techniques learned can be applied immediately. • COMPUTER-GENERATED PROFILE. Each participant is measured in four creative capacities. • CONSENSUS BUILDING. Provides insights into how different creative personalities approach problem solving. Participants can use insights to facilitate closure on major decisions. • LONG-TERM VALUE. Businesses can use the four-step decision making process repeatedly, when facing important, complex or difficult decisions. • NON-JUDGMENTAL. Acknowledges all individuals have creative strengths, and advises them on how to improve weaker creative faculties. • REAL-LIFE APPLICATION. Participants can use an important pending business decision or project as their case study. • SKILLS ENHANCEMENT. Everyone can acquire new tools and techniques for improving their decision-making powers. • UNIQUE ASSESSMENT TOOL. Takes into account individual traits and builds upon this knowledge for customized self-development training. • UNIVERSAL. Applies to managers and decision makers at all levels within an organization.
Garuda Airlines SITUATION
Garuda, Indonesia’s $1.6 billion, government-owned airline, wanted to make a strong push towards helping Indonesia achieve First-World status and greater economic success. COURSE OF ACTION Garuda trained 140 senior and middle managers with Persona GLOBAL®’s Innovative Decision Making methodology. Its objectives were to enhance management’s ability to view problems with a fresh perspective, to explore uncertainty and risk, and to integrate creative and rational elements into making appropriate decisions. RESULTS Garuda reported that more than 85% of its managers were able to implement Persona GLOBAL®’s Innovative Decision Making techniques back on the job. Garuda, now ranked among the world’s top 30 airlines, has grown to carry over 10 million passengers a year.
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