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Persuasive Communicator
What is The Persuasive Communicator? The Persuasive Communicator (PC) is a 16 hour workshop presenting lifelong skills enabling delegates to communicate effectively, become more influential and ultimately becoming successful persuasive communicators! This robust workshop provides delegates with an intuitive, practical system for dealing with all people, especially those “difficult or uncooperative people” whom they have not been able to influence yet.
PC Benefits for the Participant ACTIONABLE. Emphasis is on acquiring immediately usable skills rather than learning theory. EASILY UNDERSTANDABLE. A simple practical methodology that keys on existing personal and work experience. LONG-TERM BENEFIT. The Gameplanning Software either online or with the iPad application can be applied repeatedly to future communication challenges. MULTI-PURPOSE. Skills are effective in both business and personal settings. TAILORED PROGRAMMING. The Gameplanning Software can be integrated to incorporate the benefits of a company’s specific products and services. A unique capability. THOROUGH DOCUMENTATION. Reports and guides give complete feedback and information. UNIVERSAL TRUTHS. Principles and skills learned are applicable in all cultures. WORK RELATED. Participants address real-life challenges by developing an actionable plan to communicate more effectively with a specific individual at work.
CASE STUDY SITUATION Mitsubishi Motors, Japan, was facing financial pressures due to an increasingly competitive local retail automotive home market. COURSE OF ACTION Mitsubishi conducted training for two groups: One group of 800 newly hired sales representatives used Mitsubishi’s standard sales training curricula. A second group of 800 newly hired sales representatives participated in a Japanese edition of Persona GLOBAL® Persuasive Communicator workshop, with a special focus on empathy projection. RESULTS Over a two-year period, the group of sales representatives who completed the Persuasive Communication workshop sold an average of 39 more cars per person annually than the group that participated in traditional training, possibly affecting both top and bottom line results. |
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