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Organizational Engagement Assessment |
Organization Engagement Assessment
What is Organizational Engagement Assessment? The potential payoffs for enhancing employee engagement are considerable. But there is an aspect of employee engagement that has not received the attention it deserves; namely, that the employees are not all alike in regards to their motivations. The evidence indicates that there are at least four communities, of engagement and that what it takes to move employees into what we call the Achiever community, those that are actively engaged, depends on which of the other three engagement communities the employee find themselves.
The four basic communities are:
The process, then, isn’t one of embarking on “a sweeping program to move people farther along a continuum of engagement” as some people claim; Instead the task, requires a more exacting analyses to identify and deal with the factors that can move people from whatever community they are in, to the community of Achievers. Engagement or the lack of it is not limited to levels or functions; it can be just as true of managers as it is of their reports. There are, not just gains to be achieved but also losses to be avoided. People don’t join these communities; they get moved into them by the organization and its practices. And it takes changes in those management practices and the way people are treated to get them into the Achiever community. It does little good for those who run the show to blame the employees; instead they must seriously examine their own practices. That is the purpose and result of the Organizational Engagement Process.
THE ORGANIZATIONAL ENGAGEMENT PROCESS IS: · WELL DOCUMENTED: The Organizational Engagement process is derived from more than twenty five years of research linking organizational practices directly with employee performance. · SIMPLICITY: The process is based on only 27 organizational practices and an assessment of the managerial engagement. The results are easily accessed in an organizational report. · ACTIONABLE: Focus is on getting from insight to action, hereby optimizing the engagement and dedication of employees at all levels. · STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT: Through individual, departmental and organizational action plans. · LONG-TERM COMMITMENT & FOCUS: The Organizational Assessment is usually repeated 4 times over a period of approximately 2 years. · UNDERSTANDABLE MATERIALS: The Engagement Reports are complete and easily understood. The Engagement workshop is informative and provides the most actionable forms of feedback.
CASE STUDY SITUATION An international telecom that specialized in data transmission had for many years enjoyed a virtual monopoly. They had a very strong finance department that had to approve every management decision, coupled with a highly authoritarian senior management group. The employees just did as they were told and any initiative was suppressed. Suddenly the demand in the data transmission market began to take off, attracting a host of new competitors. The company was rapidly losing market share. COURSE OF ACTION · New president was appointed to halt the decline. · Engagement management program was implemented with his entire management group. · CEO used OEA as the basic framework for launching the many new and necessary changes. RESULTS The result was a company that was more flexible, innovative and customer service savvy. Within eighteen months they were growing their market at twice their nearest competitor. |
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